Timelines and Animation

Classic Tween
                  Classic tweens are an older way of creating animation in Flash Professional. The difference between a motion tween and a classic tween is that the properties related to easing and rotating a symbol are available in a classic tween and not in a motion tween
Classic Tween Animation
                  Classic tweening is based on the keyframes and is therefore also known as keyframe-based motion tween.
Perform the following steps to create a classic tween:
          1. Open a new Flash Document.
          2. Draw an object on the Stage. Here, we draw a Ball .   
             3. Insert a Keyframe at the Frame on the TIMELINE panel by choose,          Insert->Timeline->Keyframe or Right click over the frame then choose Insert Keyframe or Press F6.

Motion Path
          4.  Drag the object to a new location on the Stage.


Flash CS6 by M.Sasikala