Function with arguments and no return values


* The called function will receive data from the calling function.
* The calling function has check the validity of the data if necessary before it.
* Communication between calling function and called function with arguments but no return value.


$ The actual args and formal args should match in no type and order
$ The value of actual args are assigned to the formal args on to a one -to –one basis.
$ In case the actual args are more than the formal args means the extra actual args are discarded.
$ In case the actual args are less than the formal args means unmatched formal args are initialized to some garbage value.
$ The formal args are must be valid for variable name and the actual args may be variablename,expression & Constant


void main()
    int x,y;
    printf(“Enter the value of x,y”);
   void mul(int x,int y);
      void mul(int a,int b)
int p;
Printf(“mul of x,y is=%d”,p);




cATEGORIES OF FUNCTIONS by mrs.sp.nandhini