Information is the backbone of any organization. Information is nothing but refined data. Information is data that have been put into a meaningful and useful context, and communicated to a recipient who uses it to make decisions. Information involves the communication and reception of intelligence or knowledge.


Attributes of Information


1. Accuracy
2. Timeliness
3. Relevancy




Accuracy means that the information is free from mistakes and errors. It means that information is clear and accurately reflects the meaning of the data on which it is based. Accuracy means that information is free from bias.





Timeliness means getting the information to the recipients within the needed time frame. For example, yesterday newspaper today or previous day's stock quotes are normally of little value. Timeliness means that the recipients get the information when they need it.




Relevancy means the use of a piece of information for a particular person. Relevancy is a very subjective matter. Information that is relevant for one person might not be relevant for another.

Database Management System by Mrs.M.Govindammal