


HTML provides list to organize the information. It has a special set of tags for displaying list. It gives greater control over their appearances.


Ordered List:


An ordered list used to indicate a sequence of events or priority. It is also known as numbered list. It starts with the <ol> tag and ends with </ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The  attribute that can be specified with <li> are: type, start and value. The type attribute have the values such as 1,A,a,I,i. Start attribute is used to alters the numbering sequence.



Unordered List:


An unordered list is used to represent a set of items that are related to each other. It starts with the <ul> tag and ends with </ul>. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The attributes that can be specified with <li> is type. The type attribute have the values such as circle, square and disc.



Definition List:


A description list, is a list of terms, with a description of each term. Definition list values appear within tags <DL> and </DL>. It consists of two parts: <dt> and <dd>. The <dt> tag defines the term. The <dd> tag defines the description.


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